Fiber foods

5 – Things you should know about Fiber Foods.

Today you will learn  how  fiber foods can change your life The first definition of fiber was: “not available carbohydrates“. The expression is not so correct because “unavailable” can lead us to think “what can I do with it?”. Today we know, that some components of the fiber food can be metabolized by the organism, because…

adsense bangla

Bengali (Bangla) Language – Now a part of AdSense supported languages!

As of September 26, 2017, Google has announced that Bengali (Bangla) language, commonly spoken in Bangladesh and India among many other countries, is now supported in the AdSense community. This will aid in boosting the increasing interest in the said language as well as assist locals by providing them with specific and suitable advertisements.  …

The Ultimate Guide to Travelling in India for the First Time |  India travel advice

The Ultimate Guide to Travelling in India for the First Time | India travel advice

India today is one of the most richly rewarding regions of the world to visit. First time visitors are often at a loss when faced with the vast possibilities for travel in India. In the first visit, it is possible to touch only a fraction of the places worth visiting. India is a land of…

security and safety

Is it safe to travel to Egypt? | Egypt tourism security and safety

Security and safety are the basis for all human activities. There is no tourism without security. A tourist who leaves his place for entertainment cannot risk his life in unsafe places. The relationship between tourism and security is a direct one. Security, safety, and stability are the drivers of tourism success. Visiting another country to…