Google algorithm

What is google algorithm and How does Google search algorithms work?

You are always interested how Google search always finds best answers to you questions. How their engine works that much easily. But all the articles in the net are too complicated to understand. So let’s nail it. Let’s understand how does it actually work with a super easy explanation. Once you wrote your question you…

google search kabirpost

How to Use Google Search More Effectively.

Search engine Google is so firmly established in our lives that many people got a conditioned reflex, as soon as they have slightest difficulty, they immediately address Google search for tips. Even beginners know how to use Google search as it is not something complicated. But not everyone knows how to use Google search more…

Best domain name

How to Choose A Best Domain Name for Your Site?

The domain name or shortly the domain is easy to remember web address of the resource (website), which is designed to replace complex IP-address consisting of the numbers. Its very important to choose A Best Domain Name for your site. Here is ExampleDomain: kabirpost.comand URL: Choose A Best Domain Name For your Business and Blogging  To…