Are You Afraid of the Algorithm Changes of Google?
Google algorithm keeps on changing frequently. SEO Professionals search for the updates that Google make through its algorithm changes. Unlike the past days, Google is not confirming its updates. A weekly change in traffic has been a common trend in Search engine Optimization. Most of the time a sudden change in the ranking and traffic to the website, threatens the marketer of a product. But the real scenario is in the background of a website which needs attention. Understanding the real reasons of a website ranking can make the owner overcome the fear of Google updates.
Issues in the Website Performance:
Though Google does not clearly mention about the updates, the updates usually includes the issues such as link Issues, technical problems, content quality and user experience. When a marketer or webmaster marks a sudden downward change in its website ranking, it must begin to focus on these matters. Quality issues present in the links or content or a customer experience on the site can remove the website from the list. When performance issues are found with the website, only the Spammy links or low quality content will not be removed by Google algorithm change but the whole website will be affected.
Google has already provided guidelines to the webmasters about a good website, those webmasters violating the guidelines will of course face ranking issues. When these guidelines are followed, a website will be performing well on Google. When a website confronts such ranking problem through Google updates, first it must check for the quality of the bad links, content or bad user experience on the website and must wait for the next algorithm change that Google brings. One can check whether one has problem in the anchor text or one has a bad link profile. If the problem lies with the links, the webmaster must remove the bad links with the good and genuine ones. When you finish this task, you need to wait. Recovery of the website may take weeks. Then onwards following the guidelines can keep the website’s ranking intact
Educating the Webmaster:
Keeping on reading the Google quality rater guide and the Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide can help the webmaster in improving the website quality. The webmaster must keep on reading these guides to understand the algorithm change. When you educate yourself about a good page or a site, you can have a stable website ranking. Being genuine in the presentation of the website can bring good ranking to the website. Keeping you busy in reading and understanding what is good according to Google can bring the good result for the website. When next time any algorithm change hits the sites, the webmaster with a full preparation can stay safe.
Only getting afraid of the bad performance of the websites or the algorithm change cannot keep the webmaster at the bay, but one has to prepare oneself for the better performance of the websites. Google keeps on changing its algorithm to check which websites follow its instructions and adapts honesty in presenting the website.
The more the webmaster focuses on the quality in building the links and constructing the content, the safer the website can be through the voyage of algorithm change. The honesty in presenting one’s product on the web and the genuine links to other websites will never give any website a downward movement in its ranking. A false plan to show good performance to Google can be hazardous for health of the website. So when you are honest, there is of course no need to afraid of the changes in algorithm.